Addon Domain and 123 reg co uk

A client contact me to move his website that use wordpress engine to new web hosting which use service from 123 reg co uk. Their system (123 reg co uk) is bit different that I ever seen so I decide to share my experience.

How to add new domain as addon domain on 123 reg co uk :

1. Login to their panel

Choose Manage web hosting

2. Choose which hosting account you have (in case you have a few account) by click ‘Manage’ link.

3. Click Domain Mapping

4. Click link that provide access to add an domain.

5. If you already have domain you can use ” point a domain registered elsewhere to 123-reg” and enter domain name.

Hit Check button.

6. System should add your domain, if you see this message :

“this domain has been registered”

That domain already exist on system. You can contact support to check it for you. In my experience that message happened when seller sell their website but not push the domain ownership to buyer.

When the domain transfer work well you will not see that message again.


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