Install IonCube Loader on Cpanel based Web Hosting

Yes, another move to new host bring new home work and I love to solve it 🙂

Ioncube loader need to enable at this host and I’m lucky the process it self not difficult to accomplish.

Here step by step guide on how to enable ioncube loader on bluehost web hosting :

Check Current PHP status

Create new php file, for example info.php and put this line :




save the file and access it from web browser :


Scroll down and pay attention to this picture

As you see no support for IonCube by default bluehost account.

Enable IonCube Loader on Cpanel

1. Login to cpanel, select PHP Config from Software/Services menu.

2. Backup .htaccess on main domain

Backup your .htaccess file from File Manager or with shell.

I use shell and issue this command  (bold line is the command) :

[~/public_html]# cp .htaccess .htaccess.backup

3. Make sure to choose PHP (Single php.ini) and Save Changes.

4. Check ‘IonCube‘ and click ‘INSTALL PHP.INI MASTER FILE‘ button.

New confirmation message will appear saying new file with name php.ini.default successfully installed.

5. Next job to do is rename the file to php.ini

Using shell command :

[~/public_html]# mv php.ini.default php.ini

or using file manager :

Go to main document root.

Select file to rename

Rename the file to php.ini and click Rename File button.

Re Check the loader

Reload info.php file for checking current status.

Mission accomplish 🙂

See you in other post and stay health!

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