Categories: Info

Security Tips for Liberty Reserve

Liberty reserve (LR) is one of famous service supported by forex broker. Unlike paypal where you can claim or dispute when you have something wrong with your payment like hacked account or not finished business LR will not take care your claim.

Phishing is the most dangerous threat to LR until I see same page that looks like LR stole my friend money (yes, exact same url) . After investigate and doing a few check I have conclusion about new problem.

DNS Hijack

To prevent yourself from DNS hijack you just need to observe these factors :

1. Always use HTTPS

LR use Amazon aws for load balancing their www page but when you click “login” link you must see https. If you don’t see it then do not proceed to log in.

2. Always use secure DNS

I prefer opendns or google public dns to make sure I get the latest and up to date entry of dns.

Open DNS use : and

Google use : and

This lesson cost more than $1000 for my friend. He use dns provided by isp and redirect to fake LR page and stole his money from legitimate address but  fake content.


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