How to install OpenBSD in VPS using custom iso

My friend came up with question about OpenBSD. He ask me about possibility of install OpenBSD remotely and continue to manage it for different purpose. I promise to help but due to time constraint I can not visit his house and teach him. I decide to make this post for him but I hope this simple guide will also help others that might face similar problem.

I use vps service from Vultr for this guide since I can use my existing credit and also quick setup process.

Others series that related to custom iso vps :

Upload OpenBSD iso to VPS server

I use Australia for VPS server location so I use nearest OpenBSD mirror close to Australia (Internode amd64 OpenBSD 5.5). This tutorial use OpenBSD 5.5 but you can change the iso file (I’ll update latest iso list when OpenBSD release new version).

Update on May 12 2015:

OpenBSD 5.7 has released. You can use these iso :

  • 64 bit OpenBSD 5.7 iso, (
  • 32 bit OpenBSD 5.7 iso, (

If you want to use 5.6 release then you can use this iso :

Enter the link on “remote URL” section.

How to install OpenBSD in VPS using custom iso - choose your openbsd iso location file
