Migrating wpmu blog to new host

I have job to transfer wordpress multi user to new host. The wpmu system currently host 400+ with subdomain type.
The old host and new host use same operating system FreeBSD dedicated server but with different version.
The procedure for move wpmu to new host not different than moving ordinary wordpress blog.

Preparing and packing

1. Dumping mysql database

#  mysqldump -udtonet2 -pdotnet22008 dotnet2 > dotnet.sql

2. Packing all files to one tarball

# tar cvzf wordpress-mu.tar.gz  wordpress-mu

3. Transfer the file to new host

# scp wordpress-mu.tar.gz [email protected]:/home/erau

wordpress-mu.tar.gz                    100%   402MB  13.9MB/s   00:03
4. Change dns setting
