Categories: Tips

WordPress Featured Image

“I already upload photo for my post but I see blank display on our website”. That question came from my friend who work as webmaster. He is responsible for updating the news on the office website. I promise to take a look and tell you the answer. Actually I was buying time to figure out what caused the problem.

The site has been running for more than 2 years and no significant problems during this period. That changed only version of wordpress.  I think the reason why the picture features running on the website of my friend’s office was not functioning properly is wordpress.

After look around finally I can reproduce the problem and came back with answer 🙂

How to get wordpress featured image work

Simple, create new post, add post title then fill the content. For featured image you must choose it manually from editor menu.

This method also work on image slider aka carousel (many theme use it).

I can’t see Featured Image section

Click “Screen Options” to enable it.

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