Manage WordPress Post Revision

During migration the files of my website and blogs (around 1,7 GB) I’ve found many files in wordpress database created with some types :

  1. Statistic files (from statpress plugin)
  2. Top 10 file (from top 10 plugin)
  3. Revision file (from built in ‘post revisions) wordpress system)

Wow, since I’m the only editor of the blog I decide to manage this feature more efficient.

Don’t Store Revisions

Looking around for wordpress plugin I decide to use Revision Control wordpress plugin.

From the description :

Revision Control is a plugin for WordPress 2.9+ which gives the user more control over the Revision functionality.

The plugin allows the user to set a site-global setting (Settings -> Revisions) for pages/posts to enable/disable/limit the number of revisions which are saved for the page/post. The user may change this setting on a per-page/post basis from the Revisions Meta box.

The plugin also allows the deletion of specific revisions via the Revisions post metabox.

After install and activate the plugin I can access from Settings sub menu named ‘revision’ :

I decide to set ‘Do not store Revisions’ for Posts and Pages. Click save and I’m saving some db space 🙂

See you in other post and stay health!