Migrating from hostmonster to fastdomain

Almost 1 year with hostmonster, overall experience I feel great. Full satisfaction with everything but as time for renewal come I decide to move to fastdomain for a reason that I can’t tell 🙂

Here’s my note on moving from hostmonster to fastdomain ( I have ssh account enable in both) :

1. Login to hostmonster via shell ::

# cat wp-config.php

# mysqldump -uonezero5_101 -p onezero5_101 > wp-content/101.sql

# tar cvzf 101.tar.gz wp-content

# scp 101.tar.gz [email protected]:/home/winhowsn/www
[email protected]’s password:
101.tar.gz                                                                                                                  100%   26MB  26.2MB/s   00:01

Those steps will dumping database and put it in wp-content folder, pack it to tar.gz file and send it fastdomain via scp.

2. Login to fastdomain via shell ::

# cd www

Check if file already arrive in fastdomain.

# ls | grep 101

Download latest wordpress

# wget wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
–09:48:55–  http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
=> `latest.tar.gz’
Resolving wordpress.org…,
Connecting to wordpress.org||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/x-gzip]

[     <=>                             ] 1,624,416      1.68M/s

09:48:56 (1.67 MB/s) – `latest.tar.gz’ saved [1624416]


# tar xvzf latest.tar.gz

Rename folder, delete wp-content folder and replace it with file from hostmonster.

# mv wordpress 101

# rm -rf 101/wp-content/

# tar xvzf 101.tar.gz –directory=101

3. Create new database, add user to database and assign that user to database from mysql menu on cpanel.

4. Import sql file into dababase created in step 3.

# mysql -uwinhowsn_101 -p winhowsn_101 < wp-content/101.sql

5. Edit wp-config.php to reflect new information of database

6. Add domain using addon domain menu on cpanel, point it to folder 101.
Finish 🙂