Trying Twitter Developer

Recent update on Twitter make twittertools not work for hostingformula but they give an alternative for solve the problem. Using Twitter developer account as solution. What a coincidence, I always want to try twitter developer in action and here the chance.

Visit Twitter Developer using this URL.

Sign in using your existing twitter username and existing password.

Hit Sign In button.

Enter Application name, description, application website, organization.

Choose Application type : browser

Callback URL :

Default access : Read and Write

Choose Application Icon and enter captcha challenge

Account creation successfully.

On right side there are 5 menus :

  1. Edit application settings
  2. Manage domains
  3. Reset consumer key/secret
  4. My access token
  5. view your application

Consumer key/secret available in index file and you can click my access token to get the key.

Enter those information to twittertools and click Connect to twitter.

Great, now all update from hostingformula available on sidebar as usual.